Increases Lefty and Righty Damage by 25%.
Passive bonus granted if this hero is slotted in a Hero LoadoutIncreases Lefty and Righty Damage by 25%. Lefty and Righty causes explosions which deal 20 base Energy Damage in a .5 tile Radius.
Replace the Standard Perk if this hero is slotted as the Commander.Consecutive shots against the same target deal an additional 3% Damage, up to 5 stacks. Bonus lost on target switch.
After 3 eliminations, increases Ranged Weapon Damage by 10% and Weapon Stability by 35% for 7 seconds. Additional eliminations refresh duration.
Equip two pistols which deal 60 base physical damage per shot and fire 6 shots per second. Lasts 10 seconds.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
Shout an inspiring War Cry, granting nearby allies +45% weapon damage, +30% fire rate, and +20% melee attack speed for 12 seconds.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
Throw a grenade which deals 103 base energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
Brooding master of dark skies. - Raven