Increases Kinetic Overload Damage by 50%.
Passive bonus granted if this hero is slotted in a Hero LoadoutIncreases Kinetic Overload Damage by 150%.
Replace the Standard Perk if this hero is slotted as the Commander.Melee knockbacks and staggers trigger Kinetic Overload, dealing 25 base Energy Damage to nearby enemies. After melee critical hits, increases Melee Impact Damage by 10% for 5 seconds, up to 5 stacks.
Place B.A.S.E. to reinforce attached structures with 60 Armor. Extends 4 segments from placement. Placed from trap wheel.
Deploy a mountable turret which deals 69 base physical damage per shot and fires 7 shots per second. R.O.S.I.E. has 150 ammo.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
Deploy a D.E.C.O.Y. which distracts nearby enemies for 6 seconds. Does not affect Mist Monsters or Bosses.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
Charge forward 3 tiles, dealing 104 base physical damage to enemies and pushing them away with your shield.
xxx energy
xxx seconds
One, Two... One, Two, Three, Four... - Steel Wool Syd